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On this page you can find links to help you with questions and networking in business. They also lead you to get to know Kittilä and Lapland.


Business Finland (formerly Tekes)

Business Finland helps companies with getting international and supporting them by financing innovations. Top experts, the latest knowledge and international networks speed up recognising market possibilities and changing them into global success stories. An organisation that was formed when Finpro and Tekes merged, is constantly developing and listening to its clients.

Eläketurvakeskus – Finnish Centre for Pensions
Finnish Centre for Pensions is a statutory central body, an expert and a provider of services for the development and implementation of earnings-related pensions.

Finlex ® is owned by Finland´s Ministry of Justice. It is a free-of-charge online database of judicial information. The content in Finlex is produced and maintained by Edita Publishing Oy.

Finnvera improves and diversifies financing possibilities for companies with loans, guarantees, private equities and export financing.

Kaupan keskusliitto- Finnish Commerce Federation
Finnish Commerce Federation is a nationwide lobbying organisation whose mission is to promote Finnish commerce.

KELAn local offices
You can visit any office of KELA. There a service advisor will give personal advice and guidance related to all KELA benefits. You can also leave an application or use a customer computer.

Leader Tunturi-Lappi
Leader Tunturi-Lappi (Leader Fell-Lapland) is one of 54 Leader action groups in Mainland Finland. Its purpose is to finance and develop projects according to local development strategies and company investments.

Lapin aluehallintovirasto – The Lapland State Administrative Agency (AVI)
The Lapland State Administrative Agency (AVI) promotes fulfilment of basic rights and due process, availability of basic services, environmental protection, sustainable use of the environment, internal safety and healthy and safe living and working environment in regions.

Lapin ELY-keskus – Lapland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
Lapland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment is a central government´s regional development and service centre that answers the changing needs of industries, labour markets and the countryside. Ely-centre promotes preserving nature and the environment and sustainable use of natural resources and regions. It offers a functional traffic system and a safe road network for the needs of citizens and industries. It is also responsible for road maintenance and arranging public transportation on its area of function.

Lapin liitto – The Regional Council of Lapland
The Regional Council of Lapland is the developer, the zoning commissioner and the guardian of interests of Finland´s northernmost and geographically largest region. Lapin Liitto is a federation of municipalities that is owned by all 21 municipalities of Lapland.

Lapin TE-toimisto / Kittilä – Lapland TE-services/Kittilä
TE-office pages offers information about starting a job search, services for employers and youth, working abroad, voluntary studies and vacancies.

Lapin yrittäjät – Federation of Finnish Enterprices, Lapland
The Federation offers following services for all entrepreneurs: literature, education, entrepreneur vacations, prizes and online services.

Maakuntien liitot – Regional Councils
Regional Councils are the most important guardians of interests in the region. The Association is the statutory association of municipalities where every municipality has to be a member.

Maa ja metsätalousministeriö – The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry leads the politics of sustainable use of renewable natural resources. In legislation, the ministry functions as a part of the government and decision-making in the EU.

Digi- ja väestötietovirasto (ent. maistraatit) –  Digital and Population Data Service Agency 
The Digital and Population Information Agency promotes the digitalisation of society, secures access to information and provides services for customers’ life events.

Patentti- ja rekisterihallitus – Finnish Patent and Registration Office
Finnish Patent and Registration Office promotes technical, economic and communal development. Its duties are registration of companies, foundations and associations as well as examining and granting patents, utility models, trademarks and protections of designs, advisory services, information and courses are also given. Guide for starting a business

Pro Agria
Pro Agria offers services and know how for developing agriculture and business.

Rakennetun ympäristön laatukäsikirja – Quality manual for constructed environment
The manual is meant for providing concrete support for planning, realising and maintaining the constructed environment in Kittilä and especially Levi.

Tullin tietopalvelu – Customs Information Service
Finland´s customs is a part of the European Union´s customs system. Customs is an agency under the guidance of Ministry of Finance. It collaborates with businesses and officials home and abroad.

Tuoteväylä helps is developing inventions and innovations by new enterprises into business.

Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö – Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in Finland

The ministry is responsible for the operational environment of entrepreneurship and innovations in Finland, functionality of the labour market, employment ability of employees and regional development.

Valvira – National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health
Valvira is a national agency operating under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. It supervises social and health care, alcohol industry and environmental health, grants licences for social and health care providers and it guides Regional State Administrative Agencies in achieving harmonised licencing, guidance and supervisory practices throughout Finland.

Verohallinto – Tax Administration 
The Tax Administration collects the right tax at the right time to ensure our society has the financial resources it needs to function.

Yrittäjän Talousapu-neuvontapalvelu – Enterprise Finland – Financial Help consulting service
Trained experts offer free telephone consulting with financial and solvency problems.

Yritys- ja yhteisötietojärjestelmä YTJ – The Business Information System
The Business Information System is a service under Patent and Registration Office and Tax Administration. Here you can notify both officials with one announcement. In the Business Information System you can start a business or a community, end a business or a community and search for basic information about a company in company search.