Business services – development and growth according to your needs

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Kideve is a part of regional enterprise service network that provides assistance in the various stages of the business.


A new business

Are you starting a business in Kittilä? You can ask for advice and directions for the different phases in starting a business from Kideve Kittilä Development. Kideve also gives information about our network of experts where you can find help in moving forward.

Enterprise service network, help in starting a business

Kideve is a part of regional enterprise service network. The company service network offers help in evaluating a business idea and its development. Enterprise service network – page lists network operators and it presents where each operator helps entrepreneurs and the ones intending to become entrepreneurs. Read more!

More information for a new entrepreneur

New enterprise – acquaint yourself with Yritystulkki – service provided by Kideve. It is a free service where you can find tools for different phases in your enterprise. More information can also be found in Enterprise Finland pages.